Your company has decided it needs to make a video. Great! But with so many choices of video production company out there, how do you choose which is the right fit for you?

We’ve all had that experience where we’re shopping around for something like a new smartphone. We go into the store and the sales assistant immediately tries to push their latest and greatest model without first asking what kind of features are important for us. It’s off-putting isn’t it? And bad business…
Unfortunately, its not uncommon to find this sales assistant approach when choosing the right video production company too. All too keen to take our upfront payment but without an effort to arrange a consultation to first identify our customers needs and company objectives. This is paramount, as creating a good video starts with good ideas, and good ideas only come from first understanding our customers and company needs.
With that in mind, lets take a look at 3 of the most important factors you should consider when choosing the right video production company to make your video in Malaysia:
(1) Pricing
Unlike products like smartphones, services such as video production by their nature are intangible and usually require tailored pricing based on time and resources required. It helps to come prepared with a budget in mind so the video company can show all your options. For instance a larger budget would allow for more days of filming which means more people and places covered, more time to craft a script, professional talent over in-house talent. etc.
Secondly, when you get the quote, make sure costs are itemised and broken down separately, so you can see exactly where your money is going. Its common for video quotes to be split into 3 categories: Pre-production, Production and Post-Production. As the video production process is an area of frequent confusion, video companies including ourselves outline this process on their website. See ‘Our Process’ tab on our site for an example.
Bonus Tip: Get 3 quotes to allow for better comparison
(2) Quality
Quality is often an afterthought in our price-sensitive Malaysian market but it should be the main concern as it directly reflects the video quality and therefore your company’s perceived quality.
Quality is also hugely subjective. It could be beautiful cinematography and colours, the right music, a clear voiceover. But quality is nothing if the idea is weak. As the idea is what keeps your audience engaged. So again make sure that your video provider takes the time to understand your business and customers needs first.
Bonus Tip: A good way to determine the quality of a potential video provider is to watch some of their previous videos as well as comparing them with videos found elsewhere online.
(3) The Fit
Choosing the right video production company, is also rather like choosing a friend to go on holiday with, you need to get along! Meeting each other face-face is often seen as the best way to determine that. Alongside looking at the video provider’s previous work to see if they fit with yours. Making sure you get along is also extremely important when it comes to generating ideas together, as you will need clear and open communication.
‘Fit’ also refers to the size of the video production company compared to yours. Nowadays, there is anything from the traditional large production house with big teams, right down to the one-man videographer and everything in between. And due to video technology advancement, the level of quality is increasingly becoming blurred between the three. So while it might make sense for a big MNE to hire an equally big video provider for a huge TV ad, a medium or small video provider could actually create an amazing corporate video or online commercial at a fraction of the cost and with a similar quality. So physical size isn’t as important nowadays.
Bonus Tip: See their previous clients to see if they match your own culture and style.
To conclude, by following these 3 tips you should now be able to make a more informed decision about the right video provider and ultimately lead to a positive experience and excellent final video.
What do you think? Feel free to leave your comments below and share any tips that have helped you to find the right video provider.